Happy Birthday to this sweet little kid-o!
I've posted all about her birthday party, cake, gifts, etc below.
A week or so before her birthday we went into the doctor for her 3 year check up! She's doing awesome! She's still a short little thing, and only weighs 26 lbs, but she's growing and developing wonderfully!
Sadly she did have to get a flu shot and her blood drawn to check her thyroid. She didn't even cry for the flu shot! Then we went to get her blood taken, she put her cute little arm out for them and sat so still. They poked her and she didn't even make a sound. But, they couldn't find a vein, so they wiggled and wiggled the needle looking for it... still no crying. They finally got a vein and it collapsed. So, they tried the other arm, and wiggled and wiggled the needle (we're talking 5 min per arm here) STILL no crying! Then they poked her a 3rd time! This time she cried. I don't blame her. They finally got blood from her and gave her a sticker and she stopped crying instantly! What a tough little girl!
A few of Ali's favorite things at age 3:
*Goldfish crackers... I'm surprised she hasn't turned orange, all day everyday she asks for 'fish' while signing.
*Morty - I'm not sure what we would do without him!
*Daddy & Mommy
*Howie (her cousin Hadley is her best friend, she always includes her and Ali loves to give her hugs!)
*Books - she generally likes to 'read' them herself, outloud.
*IPad - once upon a time it was my ipad... not anymore.
*Music - she loves primary songs on her ipad and she loves singing them with me.
*Dolls - she is an excellent mother... until she throws them down the stairs.
*Dancing - she moves her feet as fast as she can, she gets her moves from her Dad. :)
*Brushing her teeth - crazy, but we'll take it!
*Giving Kisses - to us, books, animals, babies, random objects, etc.
Ali doesn't nap anymore... sad day for us, but she still sleeps 12 hours straight at night and loves to go to bed at night. She loves veggies and yogurt. She doesn't really care for juice or candy or sweet stuff. She's all about the salty snacks, chips, crackers, nuts, etc.
Ali is talking more and more these days, sometimes it's just repeating what we say, but she says 'please' now while signing and babbles at us like we should know what she is talking about!
We sure do love this crazy little girl and can't believe she is 3! Happy Birthday sweet girl!
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