Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Here's the family on Halloween... we have Yanni, MElvis, and the HAZMAT crew.

Which one is the real Yanni?

The similarities are stunning!

Who is that? Yanni posing with Yanni?

We had to call in the HAZMAT Crew to dispose of some unmentionables...

It's a famous MElvis sighting!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Here we are at the City of Rocks in Idaho. It was awesome! These rocks were around 200 feet high and the view from the top was amazing! The first photo here is of Stuart ... if you look closely you can see some people (by his right hand) and how far away they are. Then Celeste and Stuart showing off the view, then Helen just looking cute with the landscape in the background.

That is Celeste, Stuart and Ryan on top of the huge boulder we climbed up...and the view from the top... and Morty trying to climb up with us.

Here is Stuart climbing... he's hard to see, but he is the little white speck on the rock.

Here is Helen climbing, Helen taking a nap on a rock (she's kinda hard to see) and Celeste climbing!

Stuart getting ready for a climb!

Here is Stuart climbing 'scream cheese'. He's kinda hard to see, because the rock is so big!!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Here is the home we want to put on the property we found. It is called the Winchester and is so nice inside! We went and walked through one. We really hope this works out!


The first photo here is of our property looking at it from the road that we would enter in on.
The second photo is of the edge of our property and the brick home on the east of us.
The third photos is of the back of the brick home.. and part of the park that would be behind our house.
The fourth photo is of the home on the west of our property.

The first photo here is of our eastern view, the second is of our northern view, and the third is of our northeastern view.

Property Photos

The first photo is of our back southwestern view, the next is the southern view (where the grass will be for the park), and the third photos is of the southeastern view with the park (volleyball court, playground, etc)

Monday, August 07, 2006

The new jeep with a 2 inch lift! UMMMM YES, soon to have larger tires!!!!WHAT WHAT LARGER TIRES, LUGE no it's HUGE

Friday, August 04, 2006

Jeep Engine

Here are the photos of the Jeep's Engine.

Jeep Engine

Here are the photos of Stuart's engine in the Jeep for Michael. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Rock Climbing

Stuart climbs so well, he led one climb and did all of the others. It was a lot of fun being up there with everyone. This was our first time climbing in over a year. It felt good to get back up there.

Here's Celeste climbing with such skill. They aren't as cool as pictures as Stuart's, but I don't climb as well either!