Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Fun Park

We went to the Fun Park earlier this month with the Bytheways.  Sesaly was so great to 'help' Ali have fun in the soft-play.

Ali has the best cousins... they are so sweet to spend their time with Ali, helping her out and making sure she is included. 

Ali's favorite part of the soft-pay was blocking areas.  She loved watching the other kids run around her.  I love seeing other kids interact with Aliyah, there was a little boy (probably around 7 yrs old) and he ran past Ali, then turned around and said, "Wow, she is really cute!"  I love it!

Yes, Ali chose the pink car... I'm not sure what her hands are doing though, probably dancing to the arcade music.

I'm pretty sure she can see her reflection in the middle of the steering wheel.  Vain, vain child. :)
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