Friday, October 19, 2012

CA Vacation: Aquarium of the Pacific

While in beautiful California, we went to the Aquarium of the Pacific.  There were some crazy fish and sea creatures!  It was crazy busy, so we only stayed for a few hours, but Ali did love to look at the fish!

I love this picture because this shark kept swimming right in front of Ali, but the kid in the orange next to her was eating goldfish crackers and that is all she could look at! (yes, we gave her some of her own goldfish crackers)  The kid on her right was eating ice cream, so between the two, I don't think Ali even saw the sharks!

This is why we can't have a penguin as a pet.  She'd rip it's beak right off!

After the aquarium, we walked around the pier.  It was very pretty and not nearly as crowded!
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