Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Night at the Movies Goes Bad

Last night the young men and young women in our ward went to the new movie "Ephraim's Rescue" (Stu is the young men's president, and I'm the advisor for the beehives).  I couldn't find a babysitter for Ali, so she came along.  She likes going to theaters, the movie wasn't scary and she loves the popcorn. :) 
Well, we were watching the movie and I had forgotten her sippy cup of water in the car, so we were letting her have a little bit of our diet coke.  She started getting hyper and laughing and being silly, it was pretty cute.  Then at the end of the movie, there were maybe 10 min left, she pooped in her diaper.  I figured I'd wait and watch the end of the  movie and then change her before we left.  Well, she just got crazyer and sillyer ... until she decided to use my body as a slide. 
She started up at my chest and slid down to my stomach and said 'weeeee'!  The smell was terrible and I glanced down at my shirt.... to see poop on it!  I quickly turned to Stuart and told him what happened and that he had best come out with me.  So, into the women's bathroom we went (after checking to make sure there were no women in there!) and cleaned up Ali first.  She ended up leaving the theater in just a diaper.  I, however, didn't have that option.  I was trying to scrub poop out of my white shirt with wetwipes when the young women's president came in and offered me her jacket!  Thank goodness for her!

Good thing she's so stinking cute!

This is a picture of Ali 'puckering up' for a kiss!  She gives great cheek kisses these days... they are very loud and wet!
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