Monday, November 26, 2012

First Steps

I don't have a picture for this post yet, because Ali has been throwing-up all night long.  I will add one later on, but I did want to announce.....


Yay!  We were at Aunt Whitney's house and Ali was standing at the couch and Lydia was about 2 feet away.  Ali let go of the couch and walked for 3 steps without holding onto anything!  Her cute little arms were stretched out to hug Lydia.  Thankfully, Lydia didn't move and it was successful!  I'm pretty sure Ali doesn't even realize she did it.

How sad that she is celebrating by having the flu.  :(  Still, we are so proud of our little girl!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Feeling Frustrated...

As many of you know, we are getting set-up through LDS Family Services to adopt again.  I feel as though we really need to be doing this, but I keep hitting road-block after road-block.  First off, I filled out all of the preliminary paperwork and got my bishops referral letter and mailed them in.  I waited the 2 weeks they said to wait and then when I heard nothing I called them.  They had no idea where my paperwork was.  So, two weeks wasted there.  Luckily I had kept copies of everything, so this time I hand delivered them to the office in an obnoxiously large envelope with our names written in huge letters.  This time they got processed and we got to meet with our case worker.  

Our case worker is a very nice girl, but I find it hard to believe she's been doing this for all of the years she claims.  Every question I've asked her she hasn't known the answer to.  She is good to find out and get back to me, but I feel like my questions aren't that hard.

So, I've been crazy busy filling out form after form on the computer.  The website is confusing at best.  I feel like they only give you half of the information in one area, then you have to search somewhere else to find the rest.  

I went to turn in my paperwork for our background checks and didn't know if I needed to include a check.  I had called my case worker and  she said she would talk to the adoption secretary and get back to me.  She said that I could drop them off on Wednesday and the secretary would be there all day.  I went to the office at 4:30 and the secretary had left for the day and nobody had gotten back to me on if I had to pay or not.  The lady at the desk didn't know, but said she would call me if I needed to bring a check in.  She also said they needed a signature on the bottom, but she would just forge it.  These papers are very time sensitive and have to be submitted by the agency 1 week from the date I dated them.  I told her that if they needed more time they could just change the date.  She said, "Oh, no!  We can't legally do that!"  Ok, so it's ok to forge a signature but not change a date???

On Saturday my referral people got the letters they need to fill out in the mail.  My brother called me to inform me that they are made out for 'Stuart and Chelsie Brower'.  Seriously?!?  So... I called my case worker, she said it's not a big deal, she would just change it after they are mailed back in.

Then today I am trying to register for the stupid 9 hours of online training that are required and when I try to purchase the classes they are $100 more expensive than what is posted on their website!  Needless to say, I'm frustrated.  I would really love to find a baby privately and not have to go through all of this crap.  I feel as though nobody knows what they are doing.  I don't mean to sound negative, I just needed to vent.  Thanks for listening :)

Thank goodness for this cute little bug!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Typical Morning

This is a pretty typical morning for Ali.  She's had her breakfast of two frozen waffles, drapes herself in some random piece of clothing, wants the ipad on and reads a book.  She sits next to the ipad and every so often she touches it so it doesn't time out.  She 'reads' books rather loudly and with quite a bit of expression.  She loves to drape her shoulders in random clothes, sometimes it's her own clothes from the night before, sometimes it's a sock but we always tell her how pretty she is and she'll often check herself out in the mirror.  It's hilarious!!
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Lydia and Howie came out to visit a while back and we all got to spend some time in the garage with Aliyah's kittens! 

Lydia held and pet the kitten and Ali pet Lydia.... strange, huh?

Lydia is in love with kittens!  She does great at holding them too!

It's all fun and games until someone gets scratched!
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Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Favorite People

Stuart is such an amazing Dad!  He is always taking time for Aliyah.  He reads her books, plays hide and go seek with her and gives her tons of kisses.  She adores him and loves the time she gets to spend with her Daddy! (Doesn't she look studious in her glasses?)
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Happy Halloween!

This post should have come before Ali's birthday post, but better late than never, right?  We had a great Halloween this year!  Ali and Mom dressed up as cats, and Dad was a missionary. (Funny story, Stuart was at lunch with a co-worker a couple almost purchased his lunch because they thought he really was a missionary!  He quickly told them it was just a costume!)

We had a low-key party this year.  Halloween is really close to Ali's birthday (2 days) and I didn't want to burnout our party vibes.  Dallas came over and we created a 'haunted grocery store' in the basement.  The kids got 'bat bucks' and got to go shopping for treats!  It turned out cute and I think the kids liked it!
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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Aliyah is 2!

Ali turned 2 on November 2nd.  She had an ice cream party!

Daddy brought home yellow roses for her! :)

Aunt Whitney (affectionately known as Papa Whitney) brought Ali's favorite food, french fries!

Eating a cupcake!

Ali and Mom!

Enjoying some ice cream (another of Ali's favorite foods!)

Opening presents!

My Grandparents sent her a gift and a card with their picture in it, she loved looking at the picture (she is pointing at it here).

Such a cute 'ooohh' face!

Hanging with her Grandma's!

Howie was great at 'helping' Ali open presents and she made sure she played with them all!  They are the best of friends!

Ali and her birth Grandparents!  So glad they came!!

Snuggling Grandma Brower (her favorite lap of the night!)

Snuggling Grandpa Amussen.

Playing with Aunt Heidi and a balloon.

Snuggling Grandma Cutler

Happy Birthday baby girl!  We love you!
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