Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Happy 18 Months!!!

Happy 18 months to my baby!!!  I guess she's not a baby anymore!  I think it's safe to say that these past 18 months have been the happiest of our lives!  Ali is such a joy in our lives and is such a good baby!
Here are a few of Ali's favorites at this point in life:
*Singing... especially the Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, and Popcorn Popping
*Reading books - she could spend ALL day reading books (with or without me)
*Food - this girl LOVES to eat - but she is rather slow at it!
*Bottles - yes, I know she shouldn't still be drinking out of them, but she hasn't mastered the sippy-cup yet.
*Kisses - I get thousands of kisses a day, and I love it!
*Snuggles - another one of my favorites!
*Dancing - you turn music on and Ali will groove to it.  One of her favorites right now is "I'm Sexy and I Know It", the one done by Ricky Martin for Glee.

*Smarties - this girl literally takes 20 minute to eat 1 smartie!  She puts it in her mouth, then takes it out and looks at it and talks to it, then puts it back in her mouth.  It's hilarious (and a little sticky)!
*Cousins - Ali adores her cousins, they are so great to her. Because of them, she loves all other little kids!
* Throwing things through the baby gate.  She likes to watch them go down the stairs.
*Holding her kittens in the garage.
*Yelling at Morty to come over to her highchair.
*Some of Ali's words: Ba-ba (bottle), Da-da, Mommy (it used to be Ma-ma), Bed, Ma (more), Baby, Me, We (I'm pretty sure this is Howie), Puh (puppy/Morty) and Green.
*When you ask Ali what a cow says she makes fishy lips.... in fact, now if you ask her what sound any animal makes she does fishy lips... I blame Aunt Whitney.

Ali can now go from her belly to a sitting position and is so close to crawling (the real way).  She loves her baths, and drinks her fair share of bath water (gross!).  She doesn't care much for TV, but loves the Ipad and my phone.  She is convinced that every phone call must be for her.  She is fully aware of how cute she is and puts on a little show for people.  She has fans everywhere we go.  She waves good-bye to people, and has just started blowing kisses.

I love this little girl so much!!
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