Friday, September 03, 2010

OLD Grandma's

So, as most of you know I spend an un-healthy amount of time with Whitney (my sis.) and her 2 girls. :) I use them as my proxy children so I don't get too sad about having none of my own. Whitney is nice enough to let me use them all of the time and invade upon her home daily.

Sesaly is always saying crazy things. Here's the latest:

Sesaly: Aunt Awest (Celeste), did you know that Jaq (her cousin) got stung by a bee?
Me: Yes
Sesaly: He's ok now.
Me: I'm so glad!
Sesaly: It didn't happen at Jaq's house, it happened on Grandma-with-the-puppies (my mom) birthday, but she didn't have her birthday at her own house, she had it at my OLD Grandma's house (my mom's mom), it's not the Grandma-with-the-Earl (Whitney's mother-in-law.. Earl is a dog). It's my OLD Grandma.
Me: I know, I was there.
Sesaly: Oh yeah.
So, apparently only Great-Grandma's are old.... the other ones aren't! :)


Whitney said...

Ha Ha Ha! Its not unhealthy unless me being so dependent on you is a problem. My kids miss you right now.

Julie said...

If you only knew what was coming to you shortly after your wrote this!

This entry cracks me up because my kids refer to their grandparents the same way:
Grandma on a mission (my parents)
Grandma with the motorcycles (Jared's parents)
Grandma with the wrinkles (my grandma)
Grandma with the licorice (neighbor who always gave them licorice.)
Grandma on the Ed (neighbor, Edna Thompson)

I try to teach them last names, but finally gave up.